Since 1974 until today our company FRAGKIS STATIONERY SA, manufactures, imports and exports high quality stationery products.
Our product range includes:
Filling items(Lever arch files,binders,pockets,boxes from PP and pvc)
Classic stationery items(paper clips,punches,staples, scissors)
Writing instruments(pens,pencils,markers)
Office machines(calculators,paper shredders etc)
Packaging items(packaging tape,envelopes,labels)
Congress and presentation items(Id cards,congress folders,binding materials etc)
School material(Artistic bags,geometrical instruments,note books covers etc)
Pc consumables(Reman toners and inks)
Technology items(Usb sticks,pc accesories,cd-dvd etc)
Paper(copy paper,thermal rolls,special papers)
For all the above items we use our logos (Black-Red, Officio,Φplast, €co$tar) or selected brands from certified suppliers from all over the world.
We can guarantee that our items is the best value for money solution and will fullfill all your customers needs.
Following once again the requirements of our customers, we provide the option of an online interactive electronic catalog, a website that was made exclusively for our customers and gives you all the details(prices,product information and availability)24 hours per day.
Ways of Payment
For all International orders the payment option is to make a deposit of the amount of the order in our bank accounts
After placing your order we will send you a P/I and we will let you know about the amount, and the bank account that you should send us the money in order to receive your order.
All the prices are Ex-Factory, so they do not include transportation.
If you have a transportation company, we can arrange a factory pick up,with them
If you do not have a transportation company we can arrange transportation service for you with an additional cost.
Order Cancellation
After your order placed in our website,you will receive an email with all your order details.
You can watch your order progrees throught our website.
If for a reason you decide that you do not want the items any more,please
send us email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. asking for order cancellation, please put the order number in the email.
Our company gives you the right of returning ONLY defective items :
If any defective item is spoted please let us know by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We would like to receive a full detailed email with the exact problem of the item(short discription of the problem)
any photo would be higly appreciated.
In that case we will contact you, so as to find a way to solve the difference such us replacing the item or making a credit note.
Important note : We cover defective items that left defective from the factory
we do not cover any damage that might being made during trasportation.
Transaction Security
Our company takes all the possible measures to protect your personal payment data
In any transaction with credit or debit card we can guarantee the following:
All the details of your card are not stored in your PC or our Database
None element of your credit card is not knowing to us
In the data transaction SSL crypto encoding protocol is used
Your data goes directly to our corperate bank without any further process by us.
Personal Data
During your visit in our website, in order to serve you better and give you the option to place on online order, we will ask you, to place in our registration form some of yours company personal data(Name, address,vat number,telephone number, email etc). All the personal data that we collect we gurantee that are only for company use and can not be used in any other way or from any other company.
In any case we are obliged to give all your personal data if any court of law or any other authority Greek, European or International, ask for them to prevent or clear any crime.
The customer keeps the right to state his refusal inside the relative european law.
For any further comments or question, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Fragkis Stationery SA
104 Ag.Triados Str & 3 Minoos str.
13674 Acharnai Athens Greece
Vat : EL 081099018
Tel : +30 210 2444789
fax : +30 210 2444127
email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.